Avoiding Clichés: How to Make Your Public Speech Professional and Memorable


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Avoiding Clichés

Remember to consider the importance of communication. It helps you exchange information and strengthen relationships in the team. A beautiful speech will inspire your team or audience and create a positive impression.

When you need to write a speech for a public event in college or at work, choosing the words to convey your message to the audience is important. Incorrect phrases and clichés will not help create the desired impression.

Whether presenting a new product or research or simply announcing new events, the right speech will help you keep the audience’s attention, motivate people, and confirm your professional qualities. You can turn to the write my paper service for help with your writing, or read further to learn how to avoid cliches in your speech.

Clichés in Speech: Are They Good or Bad?

A cliché is a phrase used to convey a popular idea. You've probably heard “now or never,” “cheap talk,” and “the new is the well-forgotten old.” It is precisely what cliché is.

You might be thinking: so what's wrong with this? Everyone understands the meaning of these phrases, so why shouldn't they be used?

The answer is simple: everyone is tired of hearing them. You won’t lose the audience’s attention because of one famous phrase, but constantly using clichés will make your speech dull. And it’s unlikely that anyone will take your ideas seriously.

The measured use of clichés will allow you to defuse the situation and evoke pleasant associations briefly. But still, some phrases are so dull that their use can only cause dissatisfied sighs.

Examples of Popular Clichés

You may not even notice that you are using clichés in your speech. If these phrases are more or less acceptable in everyday communication, then it is worth choosing more relevant combinations of words in your speech. Let's look at a few popular clichés that bug everyone.

New normal

The world is changing rapidly and we need to adapt to it. For example, remote work reached a new level during the pandemic and Zoom meetings have become the norm. But it is worth understanding that this expression has not been relevant for a long time. You need to find a replacement, such as “modern reality” or “new way of life.”

Advanced technology

Advanced technology” is a cliché used to talk about tools, but behind this lies a generalization of technology. And it doesn't have any value. Instead, tell people about a product's tangible benefits. And if you use remarkable technologies, it is better to say “special technology.

Innovative solutions

The phrase “innovative solutions” is frequently used by companies to talk about their developments. You have likely created something to change this world, but it’s better to abandon this cliché.

Use more precise names to demonstrate product characteristics. It will be more convincing than abstract stories about innovative solutions. Be sure to consider the characteristics of your audience as well as consumers may not always understand complex technical terms.

Strong culture

You can regularly hear that a company has a strong corporate culture. But what does this really mean? It could mean hosting a pizza night on Fridays and providing ample opportunities for professional development. It may also mean that employees must constantly work overtime and be on call. This is a rather vague expression that doesn’t make sense. Discussing the company's values and principles is better than its strong culture.

And they lived happily ever after

The phrase that used to end fairy tales and films has seeped into speeches. It is often used after a product presentation or during meetings. This cliché suggests that everything will be fine in the future, or that you succeeded despite all the difficulties. But let's be honest: this is a banal cliché that does not evoke positive emotions.

Now more than ever

To confirm the importance and relevance of any actions or decisions, the phrase “now more than ever” is used. Using this phrase is irrelevant not only because it is a cliché but also because it underestimates the value of an experience.

Do or die

Today, everyone strives to be as productive as possible. “Do or die” sounds like variations in everyday life and business conferences. With this cliché, people try to emphasize the importance of a specific task. However, there are a vast number of other expressions that motivate better.

How to Deal With the Use of Clichés in Speech

You may not even notice that you are using cliches in your speech, so try to track what and how you speak. It will help you understand how often you use similar phrases. And when you know this, you can start getting rid of them.

Here are some tips to help:

  • Use phraseological units and metaphors instead of clichés

  • Give specific information instead of generalizations

  • Write a speech outline and practice your speech at home

  • Enrich your vocabulary

  • Watch performances by famous speakers

When creating a test for your speech, consider your audience. Professionals need clear definitions and facts, while users need to convey the value of your idea more simply.

You don’t need to get rid of clichés in your speech immediately. Spend more time preparing for your speech, and don’t be afraid to edit the text. Reading literature and watching films will help you enrich your speech, making it easier to select synonyms and metaphors.

Getting rid of overused phrases in your speech will allow you to stand out. People will remember original similes or metaphors. It will help you take communication to a new level, attracting and retaining your audience's attention. You will also improve your professional level, motivate your team, and achieve great results.

You can also take public speaking classes. They will help you master words as an instrument of influence, get rid of the constant use of clichés, and make your speech simply perfect.

Is It Essential to Fight Clichés in Speech?

In some situations, a cliché may be quite appropriate, such as informal conversations and personal communication. They create a light atmosphere and invigorate the audience. 

However, in public communication, it is better to avoid such phrases. Countless overused phrases will show your incompetence and uncertainty. If you use phrases that express your thoughts in more authentic ways, the chances of being heard and remembered will increase significantly.

Disclaimer: this article includes a paid product promotion.

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